Craigslist has tons of listings for apartments, houses and rooms, but not particularly convenient to click each listing and cross reference to a map. HousingMaps combines craigslist ads with Google Maps to make it easy to locate the sites.
Research HousingMaps apartments, villas, houses and rooms for rent, homes and condos for sale and has sublet. You can refine your search to the majority of markets served by Craigslist, and price range. Additional Filters allow you to search by keyword, number of rooms, the company policy, and whether or not the entry of photographs.
The results are shown on a map of the city and to the right of the map. Columns in table of marks can be sorted ascending or descending through the different categories, such as price, number of rooms, and so on. This service is big enough when it works. Indeed, since, as any information posted on Craigslist occasional thrust of recovery in the classifieds site can leave HousingMaps sites like high and dry, at least for a while.
Research HousingMaps apartments, villas, houses and rooms for rent, homes and condos for sale and has sublet. You can refine your search to the majority of markets served by Craigslist, and price range. Additional Filters allow you to search by keyword, number of rooms, the company policy, and whether or not the entry of photographs.
The results are shown on a map of the city and to the right of the map. Columns in table of marks can be sorted ascending or descending through the different categories, such as price, number of rooms, and so on. This service is big enough when it works. Indeed, since, as any information posted on Craigslist occasional thrust of recovery in the classifieds site can leave HousingMaps sites like high and dry, at least for a while.
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